Facebook’s Super ‘Easy’ Ad – Simple Hyper Targeting

the super 'easy' ad (3)

Like most small marketing teams, start-ups and on the tools business owner’s you’re probably time poor and need easier ways to manage your Facebook ads. Boosting Posts is certainly the easiest way to at least try and get some traction on your Facebook marketing. The issue is, most boost’s come with little success. About 80% of Boosts just spend your money and get you some newsfeed impressions.

I define the success of any marketing campaign in sales, the rest of it is just ego marketing. The foundations of a successful campaign are simple. Create, Test, Optimise. If marketing time and budget aren’t working to deliver your sales why keep giving it time and money?

Don’t get me wrong. I boost posts; I like them when we’re short on time. However, we do it with a little bit of logic, beyond the old spray and pray method. In a world where we’re all sometimes short on time, this little and practical tutorial will come in handy. So because sharing is caring, I am dedicating this blog to give you a step-by-step tutorial with screenshots on how to create and use super ‘Easy’ Boost ads with some strategic hyper-targeting tactics.

In this tutorial you’ll learn:

– Exactly how to create 3 highly efficient hyper-targeted audiences

– How to use your audiences

– Which audiences to use on specific posts

Part 1 Setting up your 3 go to Hyper-Targets

This is the one where most people go for the old ‘people who like your page’, or ‘people who like your page and their friends.’ There are obvious issues with the ‘people who like your page and their friends’ audience. But that’s not for today.

The first step in creating Hyper Targeted ‘Super’ audiences. It’s simple, and once it’s done, it’s done! It shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes depending on the complexity. In this tutorial, I’ll give you 3 great audiences to get you started and what kinds of posts you should use them for.

You’ll find your audience creation settings your Audience section in your Ads Manager.

Step 1

in the city

Step 2

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Step 3

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Step 4

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 1 – Your Customers via their Emails (Select Customer File)

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 2 – Your Email Subscribers (Select Customer File)

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 3 – Website Traffic Visitors Interest or Product-Specific (Select Website Traffic)

in the city-6 

Step 5.


Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 1 – Your Customers via their Emails

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 2 – Your Email Subscribers

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Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 3 – Website Traffic Visitors Interest or Product-Specific.If you have event’s setup you can target people who have not checked out or taken a specific conversion path)

If you have event setup, you can target people who have not checked out or taken a specific conversion path. For this tutorial, I’m just going to set up people who have visited my site relating to the Facebook content.

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Step 6.


Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 1 – Your Customers via their Emails

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 2 – Your Email Subscribers

Screenshot 2016-06-18 23.14.30 

Step 7.


Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 1 – Your Customers via their Emails

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 2 – Your Email Subscribers

Screenshot 2016-06-18 23.01.20

Step 8.


Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 1 – Your Customers via their Emails

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 2 – Your Email Subscribers

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Great! Now your audiences are set up!

It’s time for Part 2. How to use your audiences on boosted posts

Step 1.

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Step 2. 

Select ‘People you choose through targeting’ and the audiences you’ve created will be in there ready to use for your Super Easy Boost!

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Which audiences to use on specific posts

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 1 – Your Customers via their Emails

Let’s say you post about a promotion, for example, a flash sale that is coming up or Introducing a new range or product. The ones who are most likely to pay attention to your Facebook posts are your loyal customers. These guys have been through a groomed education process in becoming your customer. Before buying the will have done their research when choosing you amongst your competitors.

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 2 – Your Email Subscribers

Audience two may comprise of a little overlap from audience one. However, don’t stress about that in the boost because you can only select one audience at a time. Your email subscribers are useful for you to build up your impressions from your Email Marketing efforts. It’s proven that email and social media are best friends. Backing up social media with email and vice verse is a great strategy and if you haven’t had time to set a full-fledged campaign with multiple ads, testing criteria, etc. this is a quick and easy way to do something. So if you have sent out an important promotion or information via email and you want to post something to your wall this is a great audience to help you boost impressions, traffic and sales.

Easy Hyper Targeted Audience 3 – Website Traffic Visitors Interest or Product-Specific

If you’re doing a post or promotion about a specific range, product or topic, use your website traffic audience from a brand, product or topic page. These people have a high-interest level and are more likely to pay attention to.

Tip: If you have standard event pixels installed you might like to add non-converted customers through the add to cart and completed purchase tracking.

If you’re boosting and want to do it a lot better, I hope this tutorial helps. Please leave your comments or questions below. We also love suggestions on other posts or tutorials you’d like to see.

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