Top Four Tips To Get Traffic From Pinterest

In the past few weeks the topic of Pinterest has been a common topic of conversation, especially with our retail clients. How do I use Pinterest? How can Pinterest drive me sales? & is it worth it…?

The answer for the last question is certainly yes and the truth is any industry can benefit from a good Pinterest account whether B2B or B2C. Pinterest is actually quickly becoming a leader is sales referral traffic, closely edging into Facebook territory and is actually much cheaper.

You might even be finding in your own data that Pinterest is driving you traffic even without you having an account! If you’re a smart business owner or marketer you’ll start implementing Pinterest into your sales funnel.

With that said there are a few things you need to put on you best practise mix to start milking Pinterest for what it’s worth and here they are:

1. Exceptional Imagery – The goal like for any social media effort is for it to go viral and have your effort drive a massive spike in sales, if it’s really great, something viral can be a game changer, especially for a small business. Pinterest needs good images to get traction.


2. Always think search terms when creating a pin description – don’t bother trying to come up with some great inspiration description. Just think logically, what would I type if I was looking for a sweet image of a ……?


3. Always link back to your site or other network with your end goal in mind. It’s important that your blog, website, video, email etc has great imagery as I mentioned in point 1. The only way to drive traffic back to your site from Pinterest is to make sure your pins link back to your website. It’s a no brainer really.


4. Use a CTA “Call to Action”. You have room for text on Pinterest so besides great copy for making your images easily searchable also implement a strong CTA. Direct them what you want them to do “shop the collection”, “read more”, “register”, “watch” or “sign up”


A lot of people go to Pinterest for various reasons: to find something, to be inspired, to get ideas. These reasons make it a great site to great traffic from.

How about you? Are you using Pinterest to sell items or to share a brilliant idea? Have you purchased anything after seeing it on a board? Let us know how you maximise the features of Pinterest in the comments below!

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