Author name: admin

Retail HackGames 2020: Reframing the Retail Challenge

8 days, 2 virtual events, 50 retail players and hours of collaboration! As the dust settles on our inaugural Retail HackGames and we look back on the mountains of great ideas, iso-meltdowns and late nights that went into getting it off the ground, we are finally ready to put some words to paper – digital paper that is!   The HackGames Explained Those of you who have …

Retail HackGames 2020: Reframing the Retail Challenge Read More »

CASE STUDY: Pet Supplies Retailer Achieves 53% Increase in Email Revenue Automation

We often say that email automation is the digital equivalent of a robo-vac… Bear with me… Basically, you set it up, switch it on, and off it goes zipping around picking up all the crumbs…even the ones under your couch, ‘Damn how did it get so dirty under there!?’ In this situation, the ‘crumbs’ are …

CASE STUDY: Pet Supplies Retailer Achieves 53% Increase in Email Revenue Automation Read More »

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