Video is so hot right now.
Just like when video killed the radio star, say your goodbyes to still life advertising. Photograph and written content will soon be a rarity on social media, as marketing has come alive, and is more entrancing than ever.
According to a study by Wyzmol around 66% of people would prefer to learn about a product or service through an informative social video than to read about it. Scientists may say it’s to do with engagement, I’d call it laziness. Either way, video should be the weapon of choice for all marketers right now.
Numbers don’t lie. Recent studies have shown video generates around 1200% more shares than written content. And if those stats aren’t appealing enough simply look at the success of video-sharing apps such as Tik Tok in the previous year. Some may question its validity, but definitely not its power.

So not to overwhelm you with utilising the hot new fashion trend of marketing, this read will deliver 5 simple ways to ‘wear’ video stylishly on your social media platforms this season.
1. Improve your online dating profile!

A person is unlikely to swipe right on a tinder profile that only has one photo, and it’s exactly the same when purchasing a product. A video can show more than what a product looks like, it allows the consumers to better imagine their life with it.
Why post one picture, of one product, in one color, when a video can show it all. Consumers are greedy, they want a choice. If you can engage your viewers through video, why not use your screen time to show them all their options.
Using the video medium, you can show greater variety in your products, making it more likely that one of your options will attract a match.
2. Your Big Break

Like a Disney channel star making their big break in Hollywood, product launches either go big or they end up as the equivalent of a daytime TV actor.
Fortunately, the power of video has improved the odds for product launches. Thanks to the development of continuous video streaming tools such as reels and stories.
In 2013 a Microsoft study revealed humans now have an 8-second attention span (1 second less than a goldfish). Learning this fact, some might ask, how tf am I supposed to effectively launch a new product in eight seconds? Well if you have managed to keep reading this you will learn below, when using video, eight seconds is all its takes.
Instagram stories were developed purely owing to the fact that humans are now dumber than fish. These tools target the subconscious of a user, allowing advertisers to develop continuous quick-speed content. So seamless users hardly know they’ve been exposed to marketing.
Use the first eight seconds of a product launch story to hit your consumers with the big details.
- Purpose
- Variety
- Availability
- Location
- Price
In combination with visually appealing content, consumers will have the foundations of product knowledge and will with any luck visit your page to seek any secondary information they require before making a purchase.
3. Free Money!

There is nothing more enticing to an online shopper than a valid discount code. You are basically saving money, right?
Beam box reported that 83% of consumers say coupons/ offers influence their buying behaviour. Such an impact on consumers buying decisions is going to be an easy way to drive sales.
Nobody truly reads the fine print though. So make it known! Falcon reported that 56% of your followers are only there to get that promo code. So give them what they want and make it engaging.
The solution to this? Say it with video. You could pay an influencer or just use a willing team member, both effective. Introduce the limited-time offer, provide the code, and make it pretty. That’s all the consumer wants, so that’s all you do.
4. Cancelling Karen

Of course, you guessed it, video is here to save the day again. Thanks to social media, brands can now pick and choose their own customer reviews. Sounds a bit dodgy, oh well!
According to Spiegel, 95% of customers read reviews before purchasing a product. So obviously you would want some decent things said about your product. Reviews can be harsh and a lot of the time irrelevant. Now largely a space for the Karen’s of the world to release some rage.
Social media tools such as stories are perfect for brands to share customer testimonials. Combining the consumer demand for reviews with the engagement levels of video. Handing them exactly what they want, in the form of reviews that make your product look good.

Yopto is an amazing new tool that allows marketers to develop, manage and interact with user content through a single platform. Making the process of sharing your customer testimonials even more efficient.
Basically, all I’m trying to say is, whether you are trying to promote your new brand or drive your eCommerce sales, video is your guy.
Thanks to social media, using the best tool available for marketers right now, is extremely accessible and relatively cheap. So make the most of it, use these 4 simple ways to get inspired and get filming.
Want to learn more about video marketing? Check out our other blogs here.